Am I locked into a contract?

NO. You are not locked into any contract. Simply try my service and if you are not completely satisfied, you can cancel at any time. However, once we have established your regular weekly or bi-weekly cook day and have entered into a service agreement, I request advanced notification of travel or any future absences which would result in the disruption of service. Your cook day is reserved for you so your consideration and commitment to this arrangement is greatly appreciated.


What is your cancellation policy?

I have a 2-week cancellation policy. However, every client gets a once a year, life happens, last minute cancellation. Other than that, I appreciate some notice as to your scheduled vacations so I can plan accordingly. 

What am I paying for with this service?

That’s a fair question. Your weekly meal plan not only gives you food that will last you for the entire week, but as you can see below, I spend a lot of time before, during and after your cook day taking over all food related planning and preparation to give you back your time and energy to do the things you love to do. Here is some of what it takes to prepare for your weekly service.

  • Research recipes to fit your dietary preferences

  • Create your weekly menu

  • Email correspondence regarding weekly menu

  • Prepare grocery list

  • Grocery shopping

  • Kitchen set up

  • Wash and prep all food items

  • Cook

  • All clean up, sinks, pots, pans, dishes, countertops, stove tops

  • Pack up and label food containers

  • Invoice completion


Can you cater to my special dietary needs?

Yes. I am fluent in cooking for a paleo, keto, vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. I can also help with any detox or special diet you are following


What forms of payment do you accept?

Venmo, check and cash.


What’s the difference between a personal and a private chef?

A private chef usually works for one family and is basically an employee of one household, responsible for all meals. A personal chef is like a contractor as they have many different clients that they schedule throughout the week.


What if I want more than four servings for each meal? 

Not a problem. I guarantee that there will be four servings for each meal in your weekly plan but if your family would like larger portions or leftovers for certain meals, that is fine. The pricing will be adjusted accordingly. Your meal plan is completely customizable to fit your family needs.


Do you shop organic?

I prefer to shop organic. It’s better for you and I love to support local organic farmers. My ideal client cares about where their food is sourced, cares about the planet, the environment and the ethical treatment of animal.


What stores do you shop at?

New Seasons, Natural Grocers and Farmers Markets when available. I make occasional Costco runs.


Will you pick up extra groceries for me while you’re shopping?

Absolutely. Additional grocery pick up can be added to your service.


What areas do you service?

Camas, Washougal and Vancouver.


Do I have to be home while you are cooking?

No. You do not have to be home.